Friday, January 23, 2009

Fort Dix New Jersey

August 1st of 1989

I still recall the first day of basic training. We arrived very early in the morning. About 4 am I was tired and butterflies swarming threw my stomach. Surrounded by people that I did not even know now that was a trip of a lifetime. There were people from all race's and sizes and shapes. I felt very out of place.

Day 1 started out by filling more paperwork (tons of it) Going back over my entire contract and checking out my medical history. Pretty easy day.

Day 2 was more of the shots and injections and receiving all my uniforms and initial issue. (Basically everything I would need for the next 8 weeks) They gave us this Manuel and said read plus get your boots shiny and your uniforms ironed. I was lost in the sauce; I hated reading I did not know how to iron so I attempted to shine my boots. However there was this little punk kid (name not mentioned) who had done ROTC. He shined his boots in like 20 minutes it took me like 3 hours.
Pretty much for the first 5 days it was getting acclimatized and familiar with the new surroundings. We got yelled and screamed at almost every hour. Wake up around 4 am clean and do more cleaning. Read our Manuel and be prepaid for the weeks to come. They kept talking about meeting out drill instructor and how mean and nasty he was going to be if we did not shape up. If I recall correctly there was this crazy guy. (Imo) He brought a wigi board and would worship the devil. Was pretty weird he was taken away after about the 4th day. That was a relief.

Basically it as pretty boring stuff until the first true day of basic. All we did the first week was clean read iron. Rise lather and repeat. I look back now and realize they were getting us accustomed to the other people in a weird sort of way.

Well more to come in a few days I actually hate writing but its kind fun to think back on those memories. Even though they were 19 years ago.


1 comment:

  1. My son John did his basic at Great Lakes. Wonderful place in February! I'm sure Dix was fun too!
